Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Planting in 2011

We started planting another 3300 vines in May - top-ups of Regent, Rondo, Phoenix, Seyval Blanc and Bacchus, plus 1600 Madeleine Angevine (white).
The first attempts were with a post hole borer, however this was not successful - time-consuming, arm-aching, and it struggled with the heavy clay we have here.  So I resorted to a mini-digger with power auger - much quicker and easier.

There were a few vines which did not grow from last year and these are being replaced by hand.  This year's vine order allowed for a few "spares" for replacements and for adorning the shop when it is built.

Budrubbing & Shoot Removal

All pruning finished and the vines started shooting with new buds in March.  Only two buds per vine were allowed to grow and then the strongest was selected and any others removed.

On some vines it was possible to remove the surplus buds/shoots with the New Zealand bud brush, but not easy with the rabbit guards on, so I had to resort to my hand in good glove! A little backbreaking too.
On the vines that had been pruned to the fruiting wires, I removed all but the two highest shoots (at the wire). As these grow they will be loosely taped to the fruiting wires and will provide the buds/shoots in 2012.